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Media Relations

Policy No.: 5-5 This policy applies to:
Policy Name: Media Relations

Non-exempt staff
Effective Date: 08/01/04  

Exempt staff



The Director of Public Affairs within the Division of Institutional Advancement is responsible for all media relations for Loyola University New Orleans. This includes handling press inquiries and calls from newspapers (except “The Maroon” and other Loyola campus publications), magazines, radio, television, and Internet reporters as well as freelance writers and reporters. The Director of Public Affairs is the official university spokesperson during a crisis situation and in all matters concerning university policy, procedures, students, and employees.


Employees contacted by any media representative should direct these calls and inquiries in a timely fashion to the Office of Public Affairs.

Individuals contacted for comments, opinions, or as experts in their fields of study are encouraged to respond, at their own discretion, to questions relating to their areas of expertise. As a courtesy, they should notify the Director of Public Affairs that a media representative has contacted them.

Official university statements are approved by the President and are to be issued only by the Office of Public Affairs to the media and other interested parties.