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Hurricane Emergency

Policy No.: 8-3 This policy applies to:
Policy Name: Hurricane Emergency

Non-exempt staff
Effective Date: 08/01/04

Exempt staff
Revised: 05/29/08   Faculty


Loyola University New Orleans has developed an extensive emergency plan in the event of a tropical storm and/or hurricane to ensure the safety of Loyola students, faculty, and staff. The University’s primary concern is the safety, health, and well-being of Loyola community members. All decisions reflect this ethic. Evacuation outside the storm area is always recommended during a hurricane as the best possible way to ensure personal safety.

Disruption to the academic calendar, university calendar, and schedule of normal operations is necessarily a secondary consideration to pursuit of university internal processes and procedures in the event of a weather-related emergency.

The President of Loyola University New Orleans has designated the Vice President for Student Affairs as the Plan Coordinator of Loyola's Hurricane Emergency Plan. During the emergency period, the Plan Coordinator has supervisory responsibility over departments and personnel who comprise the Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Team (HEPT) and Designated Emergency Personnel Team (DEPT). All decisions of the HEPT and DEPT are recommendations to the University President as relayed by the Plan Coordinator.

The Guide to Hurricane Preparedness is available at It contains practical suggestions as well as links to other resources.