Federal Work-Study Manual for Supervisors
Qualifying for Federal Work-Study
Federal Work-Study is a federal financial aid work program partially funded by the United States Department of Education. Loyola University contributes a portion of the funds for the program. The university administers this program in accordance with the laws, federal regulations, and instructions issued by or on behalf of the Department of Education, as well as its own institutional policies.
In order to qualify for an award, students are required to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) which can be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Returning students will receive a renewal FAFSA by mail.
Students must also meet the following conditions:
- Demonstrate financial need through the financial aid application process, receive an award and accept the offer.
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress while employed in the program.
- Be accepted for enrollment or be enrolled as a full-time student (part- time students will be considered if there are funds available after full- time students are placed).
- Not in default on any federal Title IV loan program and not owe a repayment of a federal grant or scholarship.
Additional information concerning qualifying for the program can be obtained from the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Student eligibility to participate in the program is reviewed annually. Awards are given for the academic year.
Job Placement Procedures
- Students entering the program for the first time must attend a mandatory orientation before they are assigned to a department.
- Job Placement is scheduled the first 2 weeks of school. Students who do not secure their placement by the second week of the term may forfeit their eligibility for Federal Work- Study for that year.
- Students must complete a Student Application, Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9), Federal & State tax forms, and a Student Payroll Authorization Agreement before they can be assigned to a department.
- The student will bring a Referral/Renewal form to a designated department supervisor.
- The supervisor will discuss the job requirements with the student. This includes job duties, dress code, departmental policies, etc.
- If the student meets the requirements of the department, the supervisor will prepare a work schedule for the student.
- The supervisor will provide the student with a copy of the schedule.
- If the department accepts the student for employment, the student and the supervisor must sign the Referral/Renewal form and return the form to the Department of Human Resources.
Supervisor Responsibilities
Each department is expected to request only the number of student workers actually needed for the academic year. Furthermore, the employing department is expected to provide meaningful work and provide each student with enough working hours to earn his or her entire award.
Each department must designate a student employment supervisor. Students should not supervise other students. The supervisor is responsible for overseeing the work assigned to and performed by each student employee and for complying with all procedures contained in this manual. Supervisors are also responsible for approving time sheets, monitoring student employee’s hours worked and maintaining records for each student.
These records must include:
- A copy of the student's current class schedule, (See Forms) which must be updated each term. The supervisor and student must refer to this class schedule when designating the student's work hours.
- Copy of Job Referral Form
Federal Work-Study Supervisors are also responsible for the following:
- Informing the student of the exact duties and responsibilities of the job. A job description must be on file in the Human Resources Department.
- Providing the student with the orientation and training necessary to perform assigned duties.
- Establishing a schedule of work hours that will be acceptable to both the student and the department. The average weekly hours a student will work is 10, the maximum number of hours a student can work per week is 20 (See Forms)
- Supervising the development of good work habits. Students should not be allowed, for any reason, to perform personal errands for faculty/staff or operate private vehicles of faculty/staff.
- Maintaining student daily sign-in sheet for each student assigned to the department for the duration of the academic year.
- Certifying and submitting time sheets according to the Payroll Schedule.
- Monitoring wage earnings to ensure that no student earns more than his or her award and that the student stops working when his or her award is fully earned. The Student's remaining hours will be included on the Online Time Sheet. Individual departments will be responsible and their budgets may be charged for any earnings beyond the student's total award. Any student employed under the Federal Work-Study Program must be paid for all hours worked.
- Promptly notifying the Coordinator when a student has resigned from their department.
- Counseling the students if their work is unsatisfactory and give them reasonable time to improve.
Student Responsibilities
Student employees are required to comply with the performance standards established by the department for which they work. Students who fail to perform in a satisfactory manner may be removed from the assignment and from the program.
Any student who accepts a student employee position accepts the responsibility of maintaining professional standards and agrees to the following:
- Perform his/her job assignment in a serious and responsible manner
- Follow a predetermined work schedule that is acceptable to both the student and the employer.
- Notify the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible when illness or other circumstances prevent the student from working. All student worker positions are very valuable to the efficiency and operation of the University.
- Take into account the time for studying, student activities, personal time, lunch time and breaks between classes and schedule work hours accordingly. Students are expected to work all scheduled hours each week.
- Dress appropriately, be dependable and prompt, and conduct themselves in a businesslike manner. Students in high-visibility areas should consult their supervisors for the appropriate dress code.
- Notify the supervisor and the Coordinator if you need to cancel your award. Complete the Cancellation Form and send the signed form to Human Resources.
- Discuss any work-related problems with the appropriate supervisor. If the problem cannot be resolved, the student should contact the Coordinator.
- Give the supervisor at least one week's notice before terminating a job assignment.
- Stop working immediately upon earning your award. Federal Work-Study contracts are awarded by academic year. Students are responsible for keeping track of their hours worked each term.
- Student employees are required to adhere to the following rules and policies regarding the privacy and confidentiality of student records information. Students must read and understand these rules and policies relative to privacy and confidentiality for student records information. Violation of these rules or policies may subject a student employee to immediate termination of employment:
- Student records are not to be removed from any University office by student employees unless requested to do so by the appropriate supervisor.
- Student employees who are granted access to student record information are accountable for the protection of the information and its contents while it is in their possession.
- Student employees are prohibited from accessing or discussing personal record information.
- Student employees should not use University equipment or office supplies for personal reasons, except as designated by a supervisor.
- Student employees are prohibited from working with their own records.
Payroll Procedures
Federal Work-Study Students are paid $7.25 per hour. Community Based Federal Work-Study Students (CBFWS) are paid $10.00/per hour. Students are paid once a month. Time sheets must reflect only hours worked during that pay period. Hours from one pay period cannot be included on another pay period’s timesheet.
Time Sheets will be completed Online. Supervisors will approve the student's time sheet Online. Please read the Instructions for the approval process.
Students must complete a Payroll Authorization Form selecting either for the funds to go directly to their tuition or directly into a personal checking or savings account.
It is a federal offense for a student or an employer to falsify any information on a student’s payroll time sheet and may result in termination.
The Federal Work-Study Program provides for payment of hourly wages for hours worked. Students are paid only for the hours they work. Fringe benefits such as paid sick leave, vacation pay, and holiday pay are not permissible under the program. All wages earned are subject to federal income tax.
Compliance and Award Completion
Loyola University requires all Federal Work-Study students to work the award hours on a regular basis. Our program does not permit sporadic attendance. Students and the supervisors are responsible for keeping track of the hours worked during the semester. To ensure that Federal Work-Study contracts are fulfilled, work progress will be monitored throughout the year. The supervisor will receive a remaining hours report following each pay period and will discuss the remaining hours with the student.
Student Performance Standards / Evaluations
Student employees are expected to perform their duties in accordance with standards established by the department for which they work. A Performance Evaluation will be completed by the supervisor at the end of the spring semester. Students who fail to comply satisfactorily with these standards may be referred to the Coordinator.
A student who is experiencing personal difficulties which are affecting his/her job/school performance should contact the University Counseling Center for assistance.
Work Place Conduct
If a student is not performing satisfactorily, as defined in writing by his or her supervisor, the supervisor will first meet with the student and explain the specific areas of deficiency in the attempt to solve the problem. The supervisor may also complete a Corrective Action Form (See Forms) and send it to Human Resources and, if necessary, request that the student and/or supervisor meet with the Coordinator or HR Manager.
Listed below are some circumstances that may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination from the program. It is not possible to list all circumstances in which students can be disciplined or terminated from the program. Refer to /humanresources/policiesandprocedures/manual/5-2.html
- Continued unsatisfactory job performance
- Excessive absences or any absence without notice
- Excessive tardiness
- Job Abandonment (three consecutive work days where the employee has not called or reported to work)
- Falsification of time keeping records
- Theft
- Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of Loyola-owned property.
- Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct
- Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace
- Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information
- Violation of department’s rules and regulations
- Failure to work a reasonable percentage of hours required by the Financial Aid Department
- Unsatisfactory grade point average
Grievance Procedures
The purpose of grievance procedures is to provide students with an equitable and consistent system for dealing with on-the-job difficulties regarding assigned duties or supervision. A student having difficulties should attempt to resolve the problem through formal discussion with his or her immediate supervisor.
If, at this point, the student is not satisfied with the resolution proposed, he or she should contact the Coordinator stating the grievance. The matter will be decided and a final decision will be communicated to the student and the supervisor.
Workers' Compensation
Students are not covered under the University insurance plan but are covered by Workers' Compensation insurance. In the event that an injury occurs, the student must notify his or her supervisor immediately. The supervisor should contact the Department of Human Resources for further instructions.
Unemployment Benefits
Federal Work-Study student positions are temporary positions. Therefore, students are not eligible to collect unemployment benefits following termination of employment.
Displacement of Regular Workers
Federal Work-Study employment must not displace employees or impair existing service contracts. Replacement is interpreted as displacement.
Religious Involvement
Federal Work-Study positions must not be involved in constructing, operating or maintaining any part of a building used for religious worship or sectarian instruction.
Voluntary Services
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, prohibits employers (including educational institutions) from accepting voluntary services from any paid employee. Therefore, all students must be paid for all hours worked. The Wage and Hour Division (Employment Standards Administration) of the United States Department of Labor, can furnish additional information regarding voluntary services of institutional employees.